The Legislative Services Department provides general administrative services to the County including the dissemination of information to departments, the public, external agencies and other levels of government.
The Legislative Services Department is responsible for a variety of activities, including:
- the preparation of all By-Laws, Minutes, Agendas and Reports for County Council, its Boards and Committees;
- the recording of all resolutions, decisions and proceedings of County Council, its Boards and Committees;
- the administration of the Corporate Records Management Program;
- the management and dissemination of Corporate Communications including media releases, notices, service and information updates, the administration of the corporate website, and the provision of communication support to all County departments;
- the provision of advice to staff, committee members and Council including the explanation and interpretation of by-laws, meeting protocols and the Procedural By-Law;
- the coordination of compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) (for further information please see Accessibility);
- the coordination of compliance with privacy legislation including the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) and the Personal Health Information and Protection Act (PHIPA) (for further information please see Privacy)
- the coordination of compliance with the accountability and transparency provisions of the Municipal Act, 2001, the County’s Council Code of Conduct Policy, and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act through the services of the Municipal Ombudsman, Closed Meeting Investigator and Integrity Commissioner (for further information, see Accountability).