County Official Plan Update

Aerial shot of Parkhill Conservation Area

County Official Plan 

The County’s Official Plan is a municipal policy document created under the Planning Act that sets out a land use policy vision based on long-term goals and objectives. The Plan provides a policy framework for topics such as resource management, growth management, and the provision of physical services by dealing with issues of Provincial and County interest. The Official Plan recognizes the planning powers and authorities vested in local municipalities and does not set out detailed local policies.

The Plan is Council's primary tool for making land use decisions and managing physical change and provides a way to evaluate and settle conflicting land uses while meeting local, County and Provincial interests. The Planning Act states that no public work shall be undertaken, and no by-law shall be passed, that does not conform to the Official Plan.

The Ontario government has recently implemented a new Provincial Planning Statement (PPS) aimed at guiding land use planning and development across the province. The PPS requires that planning authorities keep their Official Plans up-to-date with it to ensure that they provide clear, reasonable and attainable policies to protect Provincial interests and facilitate suitable development. As such, the County is considering an update to the County’s Official Plan to bring it into conformity with the policies of the new PPS, update population and housing projections based on Ministry of Finance projections, implement the land use recommendations of the Attainable Housing Review, among other matters.

Review Process 

The Official Plan Review would involve a seven-phase study process:

Project Timeline - Phase 2
Phase 1: Project Initiation

Phase 1: Project Initiation – at the commencement of the Official Plan Update, Section 26 of the Planning Act requires that Council hold a special public meeting to discuss potential revisions to the Official Plan and to ultimately give direction to launch the Official Plan Update process. In accordance with Section 26 of the Planning Act, County Council directed staff to undertake an update to the Official Plan on January 14th, 2025.

Phase 2: Background Reports and Policy Formulation

Phase 2: Background Reports and Policy Formulation – a background and policy formulation process will be undertaken that will include the completion of reports by topic area in support of the Official Plan Update. Topic areas to be considered as part of this exercise include: Growth and Development, Housing, Agriculture, and Economy.

Phase 3: Draft Official Plan Amendment Refinement

Phase 3: Draft Official Plan Amendment Refinement – in addition to consultation undertaken on topic specific areas, a Draft Working Copy Official Plan Amendment will be completed for stakeholder, agency and public review. Revised documents will be prepared based upon the comments received.

Phase 4: Middlesex 2056 Engagement

Phase 4: Middlesex 2056 Engagement – the Public Engagement phase (‘Middlesex 2056’) will include updated web content, undertaking of social and traditional media messaging, outreach to commenting agencies, collaboration with local municipalities, Indigenous Community outreach, a community survey, the holding of stakeholder workshops, an Open House, and a Public Meeting.

Phase 5: Finalize Official Plan Amendment

Phase 5: Finalize Official Plan Amendment – a finalized Proposed Official Plan Amendment will be drafted based on the background reports and input received.

Phase 6: County Council Adoption of Official Plan Amendment

Phase 6: County Council Adoption of Official Plan Amendment – a final Official Plan Amendment No. 4 will be considered for adoption and submission to the Province in accordance with the Planning Act.

Topics Considered 

The following four primary subject matters will form the basis of the Official Plan Update

Agriculture Icon


Agriculture is the predominant land use within the County and an important component of the economy and culture. Middlesex County’s agricultural lands and agricultural operations are important locally, provincially, and nationally. The protection of farmland and promoting and supporting agri-businesses presents challenges and opportunities, however, good land use planning will ensure that Middlesex County will continue to be a place where current and future generations of farmers prosper.


Economy Icon


Employment areas encompass lands that are designated for employment uses to support job growth and the economy as the County continues to grow. The protection of employment areas through land use planning is fundamental to ensure that the County accommodate employment needs over the long-term. Additionally, land use planning will help Middlesex County attract workers and entrepreneurs, and contribute to communities that boast a wide range of businesses, including agri-business, which will enhance and diversify the local economy.

Housing Icon


Housing is a complex issue that has important implications for local communities. The County recently undertook an ‘Attainable Housing Review’ that examined the housing continuum and identified gaps in the provision of housing and corresponding strategies, including land use planning recommendations. Additionally, the new PPS includes further housing-supportive policy direction and an enhanced definition.

Growth and Development Icon

Growth and Development

Across the County, building and development has remained steady across all types of applications. Population and Housing forecasts will continue to assist the County and local municipalities in managing growth and development, as well as planning for housing-enabling infrastructure. The new PPS provides for a planning horizon of 20 to 30 years, which provides municipalities with additional flexibility in respect of the year in which they will plan to. Additionally, the new PPS removes the requirement for a municipal comprehensive review (MCR), which was the process by which municipalities formerly contemplated settlement area boundary expansions.

Additional Considerations – there may be minor or technical changes to be made to update wording to reflect changed Provincial or other terminology, update mapping schedules to reflect newer information, reflect recent changes to the Conservation Authorities Act and to include overarching policy direction as it relates to Complete Communities.

Engagement and Consultation 

Consulting with people who live, work, or volunteer in the County will be an important part of the Official Plan Review – an update on engagement and consultation initiatives will be provided on this page soon.  

Background Information

Important background plans and studies that are being considered during the review process will be posted on this page.

Planning Advisory Committee Meeting Presentations