The County of Middlesex in partnership with the London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership (LMLIP), is calling for nominations for its 1st annual I Am Middlesex campaign.
Each year, Middlesex County is becoming a more multicultural community, attracting skilled and talented individuals from all over the world. While immigrants’ contributions to economic sectors are receiving more recognition, the ways that newcomers enrich our culture are not always apparent.
That’s why for the first I Am Middlesex campaign, we want to celebrate immigrant artists who bring new ideas, colours and sounds to our community along with a piece of their home country to our culture.
Do you know any immigrant artists (singers, dancers, painters, poets, sculptors, weavers, photographers, etc.) who currently live in Middlesex County and whose contributions to Middlesex’s and or London’s cultural scene should be recognized? If so, nominate them for this year’s campaign!
Their stories and art will help us shine a light on the way art and newcomers’ talent have a positive impact on our community.
About the I am Middlesex Campaign
I am Middlesex is a county-wide social media campaign brought to you by the London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership and the County of Middlesex. The campaign showcases the diversity of Middlesex County, Ontario. The campaign celebrates successfully settled immigrants from different countries who have chosen to call Middlesex their home. They are proud and engaged members of our community who want to share their inspirational stories with other residents of Middlesex County. Those selected to be the faces of our great county will be profiled on LMLIP’s blog and their stories shared on on both Middlesex County’s and LMLIP’s Facebook and X (Twitter).
- Middlesex County Facebook
- Middlesex County X (Twitter)
- London and Middlesex Local Immigration Partnerships Facebook
- London and Middlesex Local Immigration Partnerships X (Twitter)
Throughout the campaign, people are asked to get involved by reading the stories of the faces of Middlesex on the blog and joining in the discussion by commenting, sharing on Facebook, and retweeting the campaign posts on X (Twitter).
About the London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership (LMLIP)
The London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership (LMLIP) is a collaborative community initiative designed to strengthen the role of our community in serving and integrating immigrants. LMLIP is funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and supported by the Association of Municipalities of Ontario. LMLIP is co-led by the City of London and a community member. Middlesex County has been a strong partner for many years. Since its inception in 2009, LMLIP has brought together many sectors, volunteers and immigrant communities to develop and implement locally-driven strategic plans for the successful integration of immigrants in London and Middlesex. The work of the LMLIP is guided by a Central Council and five Sub-councils representing issues on Education, Employment, Health & Wellbeing, Inclusion & Civic Engagement and Settlement.
LMLIP has engaged over 1,000 individuals and volunteers from ethno-cultural groups, service providers, government and citizens with an interest in immigrant integration issues. LMLIP is recognized as a leader, catalyst, contributor and promoter. To date, LMLIP has facilitated the development of over 40 innovative products and services with more underway. Since its inception the LMLIP has coordinated community partnerships while also serving as a conduit of information.

To be part of this campaign yourself, or to nominate someone you think would be a good fit, please fill out the nomination form by May 24, 2024.
Please send the samples of your work or of the person you are nominating and the nomination form to @email.
Any questions can be sent to the London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership, Maria D'Souza, at mariad@lmlip.ca or Middlesex County Social Services at @email.