> Learn about the Middlesex County Official Plan. Read about the approval process and the changes! > Middlesex County is in the process of updating its Official Plan. Check out the Official Plan Update to learn more. > Middlesex County is introducing Development Charges effective January 1, 2025. > The Middlesex County Attainable Housing Review was recently completed. > Recently updated Resources for Housing Developers are now available. > Learn more about the Digital Planning System being implemented by the County of Middlesex in partnership with participating local municipalities on our Development Applications webpage. |
Planning is the management of land, resources, and development in our communities. It is a process that helps determine where homes, stores, and factories are built and which services are provided. The Planning Department advises County Council on all planning matters and provides resources and information to other County departments, local Municipalities, and the public.
The Department is responsible for the County’s Official Plan, a document that directs land use policy and physical planning on a broad basis and guides Municipalities in the preparation of local Official Plans and Zoning By-laws. Planning staff review development proposals and work closely with local municipalities to process applications for Official Plan Amendments, Plans of Subdivision and Condominium, Zoning By-Law Amendments, Consents, and Minor Variances. Find out about any of these processes on the Development Applications page and access local planning documents by visiting your Municipality's website, which can be found on the Resources webpage.
The Planning Department also houses the Forestry & Natural Heritage and Mapping & GIS Departments. Visit the Forestry and Natural Heritage Department's webpage to find out more about Woodlands Conservation and Management of County-owned Woodlots or go to the Contact the Planning Department webpage to contact the the County's Weed Inspector and Forestry Officer for any other information. Visit the Mapping & GIS Department's webpage to access the County's interactive mapping tool and view map layers to get information about locations in the County.