Meeting Calendar

Use the calendar below to see past, current and future meetings in our community. Council, Boards and Committee Agendas and approved Minutes are available on the Meeting Calendar below. Agendas for County Council meetings (which includes the Committee of the Whole) are posted on this website one week prior to each meeting.
For Agendas and Minutes prior to May 2021, please contact the Legislative Services Department.
Past and future months can be reviewed by clicking the arrows, to the left and right of the month name. Select the Meeting Date to view the posted Agenda and Minutes. The calendar can be filtered to display meetings of a certain type. Select "List" to select by meeting type.
All Council and Committee meetings are governed by Procedural By-Law No. 7264.
Attending Council, Board or Committee Meetings
Middlesex County Council, Board and Committee meetings are held at 399 Ridout Street North, London, Ontario, in Middlesex County Council Chambers, unless otherwise posted on the Agenda.
The Council Chambers at the Middlesex County Administration Offices are open to the public to attend Council meetings. Council Meetings are accessible through the virtual meeting link found in the Agenda for those who cannot attend meetings in person. Past County Council and Library Board meetings from March 2020 to present can also be streamed on the County's YouTube Channel.
Members of the public wishing to view other committee meetings may contact the Legislative Services Manager/Clerk at @email for any inquiries. Correspondence and emails submitted will be considered as public information and entered into the public record.
Accessible formats and communication supports are available upon request. Please contact the Legislative Services Department to make a request.

2024-2025 Middlesex County Meetings Schedule:

Past Meeting agendas and Minutes
The County electronically archives copies of agendas, minutes and other public records. Archived documents may not always be in a format accessible. Please contact the Legislative Services Department if you require alternative document formats.

Learn about Boards and Committees
Middlesex County Council appoints representatives to various boards and committees. Middlesex County Councillors are also appointed or elected to various third party Boards and Committees. Navigate through the Boards and Committees and learn more about the roles of the members.