Community Transportation

Middlesex County Connect just got a makeover!
Check out our new website at

Two new bus routes, a new website and much more to come!
Stay tuned at


Please note: Previous Routes 1 & 2 have been replaced with new routes starting May 29, 2023

This route provides a peak-hour transit connection from Monday to Friday between London, Lucan, Ilderton, and Arva. Please see Route 1 schedule below:

New Route 1 Schedule: London - Arva - Ilderton - Lucan

Route 1 operates on the below schedule from Monday to Friday.
Stops with " - " means the bus will not be stopping at these stop locations during the trip.

AM Route 6:30am - 9:50am

  London London Arva Ilderton Lucan Lucan

Bus Stop


Fanshawe College Parking Lot (East end of E Building)

Masonville  Mall @ Fanshawe Park Road East

Medway Rd / Arva St Ilderton Library near Middlesex Centre Medicine Clinic On Main St @ the School Crossing near William St On Main St @ Lucan Community Centre

Trip 1 -> Express


6:30 - - - 6:50
Trip 2 <- 7:50 7:30 7:20 7:09 6:53 6:50
Trip 3   -> 7:50 8:10 8:20 8:31 - 8:50
Trip 4 <- 9:50 9:30 9:20 9:09 8:53 8:50

PM Route 3:30pm - 6:50pm

  London London Arva Ilderton Lucan Lucan

Bus Stop


Fanshawe College Parking Lot (East end of E Building)

Masonville  Mall @ Fanshawe Park Road East

Medway Rd / Arva St Ilderton Library near Middlesex Centre Medicine Clinic On Main St @ the School Crossing near William St On Main St @ Lucan Community Centre

 Trip 5  ->


3:50 4:00 4:11 - 4:30
Trip 6 <- 5:30 5:10 5:00 4:49 4:33 4:30
Trip 7     -> 5:30 5:50 6:00 6:11 - 6:30
Trip 8 Express <- - 6:50 - - 6:33 6:30

A new and expanded Route 2 combines the previous Route 1 & Route 2 to offer an improved transit connection between Woodstock, Ingersoll, Putnam, Dorchester and London. Service adjustments have been made in order to best allocate County Connect bus service as needed. 

The bus stops at the following locations have been suspended as of May 29, 2023.
1)            Thamesford Public Library
2)            Thorndale Community Centre
3)            West Nissouri Public School
4)            Dorchester Municipal Office
5)            Dorchester – near Mill Road
6)            Nilestown – Hamilton Road

In addition to the route and stop changes, arrival/departure times at stops have changed accordingly. Please see Route 2 schedule below:

New Route 2 Schedule: Woodstock - Ingersoll - Putnam - Dorchester - London

Route 2 operates on the below schedule from Monday to Friday.
Stops with " - " means the bus will not be stopping at these stop locations during the trip.

AM Route 6:30am - 11:35am

  Woodstock Ingersoll Putnam Dorchester Dorchester Dorchester Dorchester Dorchester London London London

Bus Stop


Transit Terminal on Dundas St, East of Woodstock Transit Route #7

Oxford St Parking Lot, across from Public Library

Putnam Rd / Hamilton Road @ MiniMart Woodvale Drive / Foxhollow Drive Oakwood Dr / Byron Ave Dorchester Community Centre (FlightExec Centre Parking Lot) Catherine St across from Canada Post Newton Ave near Shaw Rd Argyle Mall on Clarke Rd near Whitney St Fanshawe College Parking Lot #11 (East end of E building) Masonville Mall @ Fanshawe Park Rd East

Trip 1 ->


6:50 7:00 7:06 - - 7:11 7:16 7:30 7:40 8:00
Trip 2 <-Express - - - 8:40 - - - - - - 8:00
Trip 3   -> - - - 8:40 8:45 8:50 8:55 9:00 9:15 9:28 9:50
Trip 4 <- 11:35 11:15 11:05 10:57 10:52 10:47 10:42 10:37 10:22 10:10 9:50

PM Route 3:00pm - 6:30pm

  Woodstock Ingersoll Putnam Dorchester Dorchester Dorchester Dorchester Dorchester London London London

Bus Stop


Transit Terminal on Dundas St, East of Woodstock Transit Route #7

Oxford St Parking Lot, across from Public Library

Putnam Rd / Hamilton Road @ MiniMart Woodvale Drive / Foxhollow Drive Oakwood Dr / Byron Ave Dorchester Community Centre (FlightExec Centre Parking Lot) Catherine St across from Canada Post Newton Ave near Shaw Rd Argyle Mall on Clarke Rd near Whitney St Fanshawe College Parking Lot #11 (East end of E building) Masonville Mall @ Fanshawe Park Rd East

Trip 5  ->


3:20 3:30 3:38 3:43 3:48 3:53 3:58 4:13 4:25 4:45
Trip 6 <- 6:30 6:10 6:00 5:52 5:47 5:42 5:37 5:32 5:17 5:05 4:45

Please note: Fare has not changed. All trips for both routes are $5.00 one-way. Children 5 and under, veterans, and support persons are FREE. 





Payment options:
- Cash (exact change) or credit/debit payment accepted on the bus. Bus drivers do not carry change.
- Pay your fare in advance when you pre-book your ride using the free Blaise Transit app available for download from the Apple Store or Google Play

Please note:
- Veterans and Support Persons must be able to provide proper identification if asked
- Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult to ride the bus 
- Students booking a trip using the 30-day pass must present their valid student ID upon boarding the bus
-  Debit, credit, Apple Pay, and Android Pay also accepted
- Tap OR chip cards are accepted on the bus


Ensuring accessibility is a priority for us. Middlesex County Connect has implemented a variety of service features to help remove barriers and make our buses accessible. All County Connect buses are wheelchair accessible with high floor ramp access, two (2) wheelchair spaces and are equipped with a wheelchair lift. In situations where a bus stop is temporarily inaccessible, riders will have the option to board or exit the bus at the closest accessible and safe location.

A support person may travel free of charge when accompanying someone with a disability who has an identified medical requirement for support. We also understand the significance of support animals in providing essential assistance to their owners. You are more than welcome to have your support animal accompany you when using our transit service.


Buses have a front mounted bike rack able to accommodate two bikes.

Contact Us

Monday to Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

* If outside service hours, please leave a message and staff will return your call as soon as possible. 



Anum Maqsood
Community Transportation Project Manager
County of Middlesex

Cindy Howard
General Manager Finance and Community Services
County of Middlesex


Middlesex County Connect has been made possible through funding provided by the Government of Ontario's Community Transportation Grant Program.