In partnership with Middlesex County, the City of London is collecting feedback from early years and child care professionals on their experiences working in this sector. We are looking for people who are currently working in this field or have retired or moved on to another profession to take part in our survey so we can get a full understanding of how the workforce can be best supported in London-Middlesex
We are looking to collect firsthand input to gather an in-depth understanding of the strengths, opportunities, as well as concerns of the teachers, assistants, and staff members in this industry. The survey will close end of the day on October 19, 2022.
Deloitte LLP has been engaged to administer the survey. The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete and consists of a combination of multiple-choice and open-ended questions. You can complete the survey with this link ll responses are anonymous, and your participation is completely voluntary. Only the research team will have access to the individual findings.
We invite all who are willing to participate, and we appreciate all respondents who take the time to share their valuable feedback with us.