Middlesex County Council Meeting Highlights – June 14, 2022
Council Highlights is an informal summary of selected actions taken by Middlesex County Council or Committee of the Whole at business meetings. The Council Highlights are not an official record of County Council proceedings. To view official agendas and minutes, please visit Council Meetings and Minutes.
Middlesex Supports children and youth programs in the County
Middlesex County will help to fund local sports and recreation programs again this year through the “Middlesex Supports” program. A total of six community programs will receive funding from the County for the 2022/2023 program year. Additional funding will also be provided to the eight local municipalities in the County to assist with local recreation programs. For more information, visit 2022 Approval for Middlesex Support Programs.
Renewal of LEADS Employment Services - Skills that Work Program
Council approved a recommendation to continue the Skills That Work Program until December 31, 2022, with an option to renew until March 31, 2023. The program, delivered by LEADS Employment Services, helps individuals to secure sustainable employment. The Skills That Work program promotes and supports community wellness and assists participants in many program outcomes including increasing employability, counselling, and reducing barriers to employment. For more information on the program and other employment services at the County visit Middlesex County Employment website.
Middlesex County Attainable Housing Review to move ahead
Council approved a recommendation to award a Request for Proposals for an Attainable Housing Review to Vink Consulting Inc. The review will provide an overview of the current market conditions and accommodation needs across the entire housing spectrum in the County. It will also provide valuable information to the public on housing issues and options. For more information, visit Request for Proposals for Middlesex County Attainable Housing Review.
Council provides direction to bring proposed Official Plan Amendment No. 3 back for final review and approval
Following extensive consultation through the County’s public engagement campaign “Middlesex 2046”, including an open house on March 31, 2022 and a Planning Act public meeting held on May 24, 2022, Council received a report from staff outlining proposed amendments to the County’s Official Plan. Staff was directed to further update the proposed Official Plan Amendment and to prepare the necessary by-law for Council’s consideration at its July 19, 2022 meeting.
Committee adopts recommendation to ratify Tentative Collective Agreement with the Ontario Nurses’ Association
The Committee of the Whole adopted a recommendation to ratify the terms of a collective agreement with the Ontario Nurses’ Association (ONA). The Agreement, if approved by Council at its July 19, 2022 meeting, would be retroactive to April 1, 2020 and expire on March 31, 2023. ONA represents 10 full-time and 14 part-time/casual registered nurses at Strathmere Lodge.
Adoption of Committee of the Whole Recommendations from May 24, 2022
County Council adopted all recommendations made by the Committee of the Whole at its meeting on May 24, 2022.
Recommendations made by the Committee of the Whole at the June 14, 2022 meeting will be considered by County Council at its next regular meeting on July 19, 2022. The Legislative Services Department maintains the official record for all County government proceedings.
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