Middlesex County Council Meeting Highlights – May 24, 2022
Council Highlights is an informal summary of selected actions taken by Middlesex County Council or Committee of the Whole at business meetings. The Council Highlights are not an official record of County Council proceedings. To view official agendas and minutes, please visit Council Meetings and Minutes.
Council hears from residents and businesses about proposed amendments to Official Plan
A Public Meeting was held under the Planning Act giving the public an opportunity to provide input on proposed amendments to the County’s Official Plan. The proposed changes, designed to incorporate new provincial legislation, implement new County initiatives and guide growth in the County over the next 25 years, will be considered at the June 14th meeting of County Council. The Public Meeting follows extensive community consultation through the County’s Official Plan engagement campaign – “Middlesex 2046”. For more information visit Middlesex 2046 – Middlesex County Official Plan Update.
Draft Crosswalk Art policy to be circulated to local municipalities for review and comment
Consideration of a draft policy that would allow non-standard colour crosswalks to be installed on County Roads resulted in the adoption of a recommendation to circulate the policy to local municipalities for review and comment. To review the proposed guidelines, visit Non-standard Colour Crosswalks.
Plans to replace Ailsa Craig’s Black’s Bridge are underway
The Committee of the Whole approved a work plan issued by Dillon Consulting for the replacement of Black’s Bridge in Ailsa Craig. Black’s Bridge, located on West Corner Drive north of the Village of Ailsa Craig, is currently closed to traffic. The work plan, which includes contract drawings, specifications, cost, permits, and working day estimates, would see Black's Bridge back in full service by the end of 2023.
Growth in the County continues as Committee considers plans for 325 new homes in Ailsa Craig
The Committee of the Whole considered a proposed residential plan of subdivision for a 22 hectare (55 acre) property within Ailsa Craig. The development, which was recently supported by the Municipality of North Middlesex, would create 250 lots for single-detached dwellings and two medium density blocks for approximately 75 townhouse units. The Committee adopted a recommendation to approve the draft plan of subdivision, subject to conditions. Click the following to access the report: Proposed Plan of Subdivision, Municipality of North Middlesex, File No. 39T-NM-2101 Ausable Bluffs; Gilrad Developments.
Increases to Council Remuneration considered for next term
The Committee of the Whole considered a recommendation that Council remuneration be increased to the 50th percentile of the municipal comparator group. The recommended increases reflect the duties, responsibilities, time commitment, skill, effort and demands of municipal public office, while balancing the County’s history and commitment to fiscal responsibility. If adopted by County Council on June 14th, the recommended increases would take effect at the start of next term on November 15, 2022.
Adoption of Committee of the Whole Recommendations from May 10, 2022
County Council adopted all recommendations made by the Committee of the Whole at its meeting on May 10, 2022.
Recommendations made by the Committee of the Whole at the May 24, 2022 meeting will be considered by County Council at its next regular meeting on June 14, 2022. The Legislative Services Department maintains the official record for all County government proceedings