Middlesex County Warden’s Statement on 2022 Warden’s Charity Golf Tournament

Posted Date
June 29, 2022
Warden Alison Warwick Statement graphic


Middlesex County Warden’s Statement 2022 Warden’s Charity Golf Tournament 

MIDDLESEX COUNTY: On June 29, 2022, Warden Warwick issued the following statement regarding the total proceeds of the 2022 Warden’s Charity Golf Tournament. 

“Today, I am pleased to announce that this year’s Warden’s Charity Golf Tournament raised a total of $23,000 for two organizations doing phenomenal work for our community – the VON (Victorian Order of Nurses) and the #SickNotWeek Foundation. The VON is a non-profit charitable organization providing home and community care to more than 10,000 people each day in Ontario with a mission to help people in their homes and communities by delivering the caring support that they and their families need. #SickNotWeek is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to mental health awareness and helping people understand that mental illness is a sickness, not a weakness.

We would like to thank all of our generous corporate sponsors and all of the attendees who came out and took their best swing to support these wonderful charities. I would also like to thank our host, The Willows Golf and Country Club, and County staff for all of the work they did to make this tournament a huge success.”




Middlesex County Media Relations

Legislative Services Division
