Thank You from 2021-2022 Warden
“It is with great pleasure that we present the second annual Middlesex County Warden's Report. It has been an honour and a privilege to be your Warden over the past year. We have done tremendous work across the County in 2022, in areas such as early childhood education, wireless broadband, and emergency services. I will look back and appreciate the strength and wisdom my fellow municipal leaders have shown, not only during my time as Warden, but over the past term of Council. Our accomplishments would not have been possible without the dedication and advocacy of our municipal leaders and the support and guidance of our administration at both upper and lower-tiers of government.
I would like to welcome all of the new and returning faces to council for the 2022-2026 term. I know that the County is in good hands with these individuals and I look forward to the new perspectives and innovative ideas that are sure to move Middlesex County forward. I would also like to congratulate and thank incoming Warden Cathy Burghardt-Jesson as she begins her term as your 2023 Warden.
Thank you all for allowing me to serve our community as I have, I wish you all the best in 2023.”
-Alison Warwick
Bringing Services Closer to Residents
In 2022, Middlesex County moved into the final stages of its plans to have a smaller footprint and a more decentralized workforce spread throughout the County. So far through this project, the County has made significant investments in new capital development within Middlesex; capitalized on peak market conditions through the sale of its current administration building; and successfully implemented a hybrid work model enabling many County employees to work remotely. With the majority of County services now being provided at locations throughout the County, including transportation, economic development and tourism, social services, planning, libraries, long term care and paramedic services, the County is exploring all options for its governance and corporate support services teams – the final piece of its decentralization plan.
Warden’s Honours Outstanding Community Service
Congratulations to the 2022 Warden’s Honour Roll Honourees: Jim Maudsley, Mark Williams, and the Kettle Creek Conservation Authority. These residents have made outstanding contributions to the citizens of Middlesex County and we thank them for their service.
Warden’s Charity Golf Tournament Raises $23,000
This year, the annual Warden’s Charity Golf Tournament was held at The Willows Golf and Country Club. The tournament raised a total of $23,000 for two organizations doing phenomenal work for our community. The VON (Victorian Order of Nurses) received $20,000 to support in-home and community care for Middlesex County residents. The #SickNotWeek Foundation received $3,000 to be used towards mental health awareness and helping people understand that mental illness is a sickness, not a weakness.
Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) Agreement
On July 19, 2022, Middlesex County announced the launch of the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) program in Middlesex County. As of December 31, 2022, families whose Child Care operators chose to participate in the program, would have received up to a 50% reduction in child care fees. The program also provided a wage increase for qualified Registered Early Childhood Educators, this was to attract, and retain ECEs who play a critical role in the provision of child care and early childhood education. In Middlesex County, sixteen (16) licensed childcare providers at thirty-six (36) sites have opted into the program. To learn more about the program, please visit our website.
New High-speed Internet Projects in the County
On August 23, 2022, the province announced that it had signed agreements with eight internet service providers to provide high-speed internet to unserved and underserved homes and businesses across Ontario as part the Accelerated High-Speed Internet Program (AHSIP). Through this program, the Province has committed nearly $4 billion to connect every region in Ontario to reliable, high-speed internet by the end of 2025. Thanks to AHSIP, plans are underway in Middlesex County to expand access to broadband services to over 90% of all residents. Three Internet Service Providers were chosen through a two-stage competitive process to complete these projects including, North Frontenac Telephone Company, Rogers Communications and Xplornet Communications.
Fanshawe College Bursary
In July 2022, Middlesex County Children’s Services, in partnership with Fanshawe College, announced a bursary to support 10 individuals enrolled in the Early Childhood Education program at Fanshawe College. This bursary is funded through Child Care and Early Years Workforce Funding provided by the Ministry of Education. The bursary will support the retention and recruitment of high-quality childcare and early years educators. The program is expected to run again for the January 2023 and September 2023 academic periods. For more information about the Bursary, please visit the County’s or Fanshawe College’s website.
Tourism Relief Funding Granted in the County
During the final two quarters of 2022, the Department of Economic Development successfully acquired and administered $100,000 in Federal tourism relief funding. Investments included the installation of electric vehicle (EV) chargers at key municipal tourism sites, several public art projects, Visit Middlesex branded bike rack installations, photographic and video content for tourism promotion, the revitalization of the County’s heritage trail, and tourism destination signage for business operators throughout the County in keeping with the Grassroutes signage strategy.
Innovative Pilot Program for Paramedic Services
In August 2022, Middlesex County led discussions with Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, Sylvia Jones to table an Early Adopter Program proposed by Middlesex-London Paramedic Service to help address increased call demand and the ongoing issue of offload delays in the province. This proposal would see a single paramedic in an SUV respond to non-emergent 911 calls. The responding paramedic would assess and treat the patient and possibly refer them to an on-duty Community Paramedic for ongoing care in the community, avoiding unnecessary transport to an Emergency Department and further alleviating the on-going strain on the 911 system.
This pilot would fall under the Treat and Refer Models of Care announced by the province, and follows the successful implementation of the Middlesex-London Paramedic Service Alternative Destination Program, which allows patients experiencing Mental Health and addictions challenges to have the option of being transported to the Centre for Mental Health and Addictions site on Huron Street in London. This successful Pilot, launched in 2017, has led the way for Ontario to move forward with other Models of Care aimed at addressing some of our health care system’s most pressing issues.
Cathy Burghardt-Jesson Elected 2023 County Warden
On December 8, 2022 Middlesex County Council elected Lucan Biddulph Mayor Cathy Burghardt-Jesson as the 2022-2023 Warden along with Mayor Aina DeViet of Middlesex Centre as Deputy Warden. Warden Burghardt-Jesson is currently serving her third term as Mayor of Lucan Biddulph. This will also be her third term as Warden.
“I would like to thank my colleagues for this vote of confidence. I am humbled and honoured to represent the residents of Middlesex County as Warden again. I am ready to continue to work together to ensure that the County and our local municipalities are progressive, innovative, and inventive. I am looking forward to working with our newly elected councilors and to moving Middlesex County forward in all areas, with a special focus on social services and housing concerns, EarlyON, economic development, road safety, land ambulance, and recent changes to provincial legislation. I wish Past Warden Warwick all the best in her retirement and extend my sincerest gratitude for her service to the County” said Warden Burghardt-Jesson.
Telephone: 519-434-7321
Middlesex County Website: middlesex.ca