Middlesex County Council Meeting Highlights – October 25, 2022
Council Highlights is an informal summary of selected actions taken by Middlesex County Council or Committee of the Whole at business meetings. The Council Highlights are not an official record of County Council proceedings. To view official agendas and minutes, please visit Council Meetings and Minutes.
Middlesex-London Paramedic Services Strategic Plan moving forward
County Council received an update from staff on the progress of the Middlesex-London Paramedic Services Strategic Plan. Earlier this year MLPS engaged a third-party consultant to conduct a full strategic review of land ambulance services. The plan recommends offsetting the growing impact of demand by investing in frontline resources. The plan also offers recommendations to address offload delay pressures, which is an ongoing problem across the Province. For more information, see the MLPS Strategic Plan Update.
Council Approves MLPS 2023 Response Time Standards Performance Plan
County Council approved the Middlesex-London Paramedic Service Response Time Standards Performance Plan. Every year, municipalities are required to report and notify the Ministry of Health of their Response Time Performance Plans for the upcoming year. Response Time Performance Plans are set response time targets for patients under the Canadian Triage Acuity Scale. MLPS faces pressures with growing call demand and increasing offload delays, which have been incorporated into the Plan. For more information, see the MLPS Response Time Standards Performance Plan.
Middlesex County Communications Update
County Council heard an update from staff on the strides made to implement the Year 1 goals for the Middlesex County Communications Strategy, which was approved by County Council on April 5, 2022. Staff reported an increase in social media reach/followers and an increase in website traffic. Staff continues to update department pages, to keep programs and service information current. To stay up-to-date on the latest Middlesex County news, check out the News page, and follow the Middlesex County social media accounts to be the first to know about ongoing projects and service delivery!
Adelaide Metcalfe Official Plan Amendment No. 13
The Committee of the Whole approved a recommendation that Adelaide Metcalfe Official Plan Amendment No. 13 be approved. This amendment would establish a special agricultural policy area that would permit an ‘Assembly Hall’, overnight accommodations within a dwelling, and a ‘Farm Winery’ on a property in Adelaide Metcalfe. For more information about the decision, see Adelaide Metcalfe Official Plan Amendment No. 13; Sydenham Ridge; File No. 39-AM-OPA13.
Adoption of Committee of the Whole Recommendations from October 25, 2022
County Council adopted all recommendations made by the Committee of the Whole at its meeting on October 25, 2022.
Recommendations made by the Committee of the Whole at the October 25, 2022 meeting will be considered by County Council at its next regular meeting on December 13, 2022. The Legislative Services Department maintains the official record for all County government proceedings.