The Project:
The County of Middlesex is planning to replace the Waubuno Creek Bridge located on County Road 27 (Nissouri Road) north of County Road 2 (Dundas Street) in the Municipality of Thames Centre (as shown on the accompanying key plan). The bridge is a two-span structure that spans Waubuno Creek and was constructed in 1957. Recent engineering inspections of the structure have identified extensive deterioration of some structural components for the crossing that make rehabilitation of the bridge unfeasible. Replacement of the crossing has been tentatively scheduled for 2024.
The Environmental Planning Process:
The planning for this project is following the planning process established for Schedule A+ activities under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) document. Schedule A+ projects are pre-approved subject to consultation with the general public, review agencies, local municipalities, Indigenous Communities, and project stakeholders. This notice is being issued to advise of the start of study investigations.
Public Involvement:
Public input and comments are invited for incorporation into the planning and design of this project and will be received until February 17, 2023 at the address listed below. Any comments collected in conjunction with the study, will be maintained on file for use during the project and maybe included in project documentation. Information will be collected in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. For further information on this project, or to review the Municipal Class EA process, please contact the project engineers: B.M. Ross and Associates Ltd.: 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario, N7A 2T4. Telephone: 519-524-2641. Kelly Vader, Environmental Planner (e-mail: @email).
Chris Traini, P. Eng
County of Middlesex
This Notice issued on January 10, 2023