Middlesex County Council Meeting Highlights – June 25, 2024
Council Highlights is an informal summary of selected actions taken by Middlesex County Council or Committee of the Whole at business meetings. The Council Highlights are not an official record of County Council proceedings. To view official agendas and minutes, please visit Council Meetings and Minutes.
Middlesex Supports children and youth programs in the County
Middlesex County will help to fund local sports and recreation programs again this year through the “Middlesex Supports” program. A total of six community programs will receive funding from the County for the 2024/2025 program year. Additional funding will also be provided to the eight local municipalities in the County to assist with local recreation programs. For more information, see the Middlesex Supports 2024-2025 Report.
Middlesex County Tourism Investment Tool-Kit
The Committee of the Whole heard a delegation from CBRE Tourism Consulting on a comprehensive Tourism Investment Tool-Kit designed to foster overall growth and prosperity in Middlesex County's tourism economy. The Tool-Kit includes an inventory of the County's existing tourism assets, a destination analysis, and a review of tourist attractions that align with the County’s market demand. It also provides an overview of sites suitable for tourism investment, best practices, and case studies of successful tourism business development in Ontario. Additionally, the Tool-Kit provides tourism operators and investors with clear responses to common policy and planning issues, to facilitate and encourage further investment in the Middlesex County tourism industry. The Tourism Investment Tool-Kit project has been funded in partnership with Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports. For more information, see the Tourism Investment Tool-Kit presentation.
Approval for Transfer of EV Chargers to Local Municipalities
The Committee of the Whole approved a recommendation to authorize staff to execute all agreements necessary to complete the ownership transfer of four electric vehicle (EV) chargers to local municipalities in Middlesex County. In April 2022, Middlesex County’s Department of Economic Development secured funding from the Ontario Southwest Tourism Relief Fund for three projects, including the installation of EV charging stations. The project aimed to enhance accessibility to EV charging infrastructure in publicly accessible areas within the County. The locations were selected in collaboration with local municipalities and include two stations located at the Glencoe Municipal Building in Southwest Middlesex, one station in the Village of Newbury and one station located at Kerwood Park in Adelaide-Metcalfe. Ownership and control of the EV charging stations, including fee collection, will now be transferred to the respective local municipalities. For more information, see the Transfer of Ownership of Electric Vehicle Chargers to Local Municipalities report.
Recommendations made by the Committee of the Whole at the June 25, 2024 meeting will be considered by County Council at its next regular meeting on July 16, 2024. The Legislative Services Department maintains the official record for all County government proceedings.
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