Middlesex County Council Meeting Highlights – November 21, 2023
Council Highlights is an informal summary of selected actions taken by Middlesex County Council or Committee of the Whole at business meetings. The Council Highlights are not an official record of County Council proceedings. To view official agendas and minutes, please visit Council Meetings and Minutes.
Municipal Housing and Service System Management Overview
Staff from the City of London and London Middlesex Community Housing (LMCH) provided the Committee of the Whole with a backgrounder on municipal housing and the service system management. As the Service Manager for the London-Middlesex area, the City of London is responsible for carrying out the funding and administrative responsibilities of housing and homelessness services. Homelessness prevention services in Middlesex County are provided by the County through a service agreement as a service delivery agency. The delegation provided information on housing stability services, the operations of London Middlesex Community Housing, municipal housing, housing development and an overall cost overview for services. For more information, see the Municipal Housing and Service System Management presentation.
County to consider funding for Project Safe Trade at Budget Committee
The Committee of the Whole heard a delegation from Middlesex OPP to discuss Project Safe Trade - an initiative aimed at enhancing community safety during online property transactions. Online platforms like Facebook Marketplace and Kijiji are popular for selling goods, but they also pose risks, with criminals exploiting them for fraudulent transactions. To address this, Middlesex County OPP proposes creating "community safety zones" in detachment parking lots across Middlesex County. These designated areas provide a secure environment for residents in the County to conduct online transactions, minimizing the risk associated with secluded locations or private residences. Middlesex OPP requested support from Middlesex County for funding of this initiative. The presentation was received for information and referred to the Budget Committee for discussion and consideration. For more information, check out the Middlesex OPP – Project Safe Trade presentation.
SCOR EDC Membership Update
South Central Ontario Region Economic Development Corporation (SCOR EDC) provided Committee of the Whole with a member update for 2023. SCOR EDC was originally incorporated to provide planning and coordination for regional issues, implement regional economic development priorities, identify funding sources, partner with other levels of government, and act as a regional catalyst for investment for the five member Counties from the region. SCOR EDC provided an update on some recent projects and initiatives, including infrastructure and inter-community transit. For more information, see the SCOR EDC Member Update for Middlesex County.
Recommendations made by the Committee of the Whole at the November 21, 2023 meeting will be considered by County Council at its next regular meeting on December 12, 2023. The Legislative Services Department maintains the official record for all County government proceedings.