Middlesex County Highlights Successful Attendance at 2023 Good Roads Conference

Posted Date
April 19, 2023
Good Roads Conference 2023

For Immediate Release

Middlesex County Highlights Successful Attendance at 2023 Good Roads Conference

MIDDLESEX COUNTY (April 19, 2023): Middlesex County Warden Cathy Burghardt-Jesson proudly reports on the successful attendance of County staff and Council members at the 2023 Good Roads Conference held in Toronto, Ontario. The conference provided a unique opportunity for the attendees to learn about best practices in infrastructure development, engage in discussions with the Provincial Ministry staff, and advocate for the benefit of Middlesex County.

Warden Cathy Burghardt-Jesson shared her enthusiasm, saying, "The Good Roads Conference provided an invaluable opportunity for our team to learn from experts in the field, exchange ideas with fellow municipalities, and strengthen our relationships with key government partners. We are confident that the knowledge and insights gained will contribute to the ongoing success of Middlesex County."

Throughout the conference, Middlesex County staff and Council members participated in a variety of workshops and sessions covering topics such as asset management, infrastructure investment, and future planning. These sessions allowed attendees to gain valuable information on best practices and strategies for improving the county's infrastructure.

Warden Burghardt-Jesson expressed her appreciation for the opportunity to meet with representatives from the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Ministry of Long-Term Care, saying, "Our successful delegations with the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Ministry of Long-Term Care allowed us to advocate for the unique needs and priorities of Middlesex County. We are grateful for their willingness to engage in productive discussions and look forward to continued collaboration in the future."

The knowledge and connections gained at the 2023 Good Roads Conference are expected to have a positive impact on Middlesex County's infrastructure initiatives. Warden Burghardt-Jesson and the Middlesex County Council remain committed to working together with provincial partners to ensure a bright and prosperous future for the region.



Middlesex County is an innovative, well-run organization offering high-value programs and services to the best community in which to live, visit, and do business in Southwestern Ontario. The County serves a vibrant, growing community of 78,000 people and offers a great place to call home, offering exceptional lifestyle, a wide variety of local attractions, and wonderful sense of community.



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