Pursuant to Section 26 of the Planning Act.
The County of Middlesex is updating its Official Plan to ensure that the land use planning policies are current, reflect Provincial policy, and reflect changing community needs for the next 25-years.
The Official Plan is a land use planning document that includes a vision, goals, and land use policy directions for the County. The Plan provides a policy framework for topics such as Resource Management, Growth Management, and the provision of Physical Services by dealing with issues of Provincial and County interest. The Official Plan recognizes the planning powers and authorities vested in local municipalities and does not set out detailed local policies. Within Middlesex County, each local municipality has a more detailed local official plan.
TAKE NOTICE that on Tuesday, January 14, 2025 the Council of the County of Middlesex will hold a hybrid public meeting, pursuant to section 26 of the Planning Act, to provide the public an opportunity to discuss the revisions that may be required to the Official Plan.
The meeting is to be held:
Tuesday, January 14th, 2025
3:00 p.m.
Middlesex County Council Chambers
399 Ridout St. North
London, ON
N6A 2P1
Where: This is a hybrid meeting and you may participate in-person at 399 Ridout Street North, London, Ontario or virtually using Zoom.
The purpose of the Public Meeting is to provide the public an opportunity to discuss the revisions that may be required to the Official Plan. Any person may attend the meeting and/or make written or verbal representation or submit ideas and feedback for consideration.
What is a hybrid public meeting?
As a means to improve opportunities for public consultation, Middlesex County is using a hybrid format conducted electronically and in-person. By joining the meeting online or in-person, you will have the opportunity to provide verbal submissions on potential revisions to the County’s Official Plan.
How to participate online:
Important notes before you start:
- To participate we request that registration be completed by 4:30pm on Friday, January 10, 2025.
- Due to technology restraints, attendance requires participation. You should have a prepared statement for Council to consider, as the order of participation is random. If you simply wish to observe, you are invited to use the Youtube link below.
- Another participation option, which could save you time, is to submit a statement to the Legislative Services/Clerk's office at @email, by noon on Friday, January 10, 2025 before the meeting. These statements will be made available for review by Council.
Registration is required to join a Zoom Webinar meeting. Unless it is specified in the Public Notice, registration is required by noon of the Friday preceding the meeting. If you are experiencing issues registering at the links below or wish to submit a written comment, please contact the Legislative Services Manager/Clerk at @email before the deadline.
To register, please follow the Meeting Registration Link below:
Zoom Webinar Registration
If would like to just observe the meeting, a YouTube broadcast is available without registering at this link: Middlesex County YouTube
Alternate ways to participate
If you require an alternative way to participate, such as by phone, please contact: Marci Ivanic, County Clerk at (519) 434-7321.
Unable to attend? We would still love to hear your thoughts!
The County encourages any interested parties to submit comments respecting the proposed Official Plan Amendment in writing by email or post at any time prior to January 14, 2025 to the address provided below.
If you wish to be notified of the decision of the County of Middlesex on the proposed official plan amendment, you must make a written request to the Legislative Services Manager/Clerk, County of Middlesex, 399 Ridout Street North, London ON N6A 2P1, @email.
If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submissions to the County of Middlesex before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted, the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the Ontario Land Tribunal unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.
Notice of Collection
Personal information collected as a result of this public meeting is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), the Planning Act, and all other relevant legislation, and will be used to assist in making a decision on this matter. All personal information (as defined by MFIPPA), including (but not limited to) names, addresses, opinions and comments collected will be made available for public disclosure to members of the public, at the meeting, through requests, and through the website of the County of Middlesex. Questions regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of this personal information may be directed to the County Clerk at @email.
If you have any questions about the proposed official plan amendment, please contact us.
Abby Heddle-Jacobs, Planner II email: @email
Marci Ivanic, Legislative Services Manager/Clerk email: @email
County of Middlesex
399 Ridout Street, North
London ON N6A 2P1