TVDSB's Kindergarten registration dates are January 15 - February 2, 2024
If your child will be attending Kindergarten in September 2024 please go to the TVDSB's Kindergarten Registration website (link below) which outlines the specific process for you to follow, along with supporting resources related to Kindergarten.
Kindergarten Registration - TVDSB
Kindergarten pre-registration is completed online through the above website and you can also upload your documentation (new this year).
Once the online pre-registration is completed the school will verify addresses and documentation.
Upon verification the school will contact your family to confirm the registration and welcome your family to the school.
The school will also provide the following resources:
- Early Years Transition Information Form
- Parent Portal Information Sheet
- Before and After School Child Care Registry. Links included in the online-pre-registration or paper copy provided to parent/caregiver if completing paper registration
- Family Centre/EarlyON Child and Family Centre Information Sheet.