To submit a service request for a County service area, please see the Citizen Issue/Request Submission Form.
- Bill Rayburn, Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) (519) 434-7321
Community Emergency Management
- Bettina Weber, Community Emergency Management Coordinator (CEMC) (519) 434-7321 ext. 2327
Economic Development & Tourism
- Cara Finn, Director of Economic Development (519) 434-7321 ext. 2347
- Demetri Makrakos, Economic Development Officer (519) 434-7321 ext. 2350
- Paul Napigkit, Tourism Officer (519) 434-7321 ext. 2353
- Kelly Hunt, Economic Development & Tourism Coordinator (519) 434-7321 ext. 2362
Facility Maintenance
- Steve Decandido, Building Maintenance Supervisor (519) 434-7321 ext. 2257
Financial Services
- Cindy Howard, General Manager of Finance & Community Services / County Treasurer (519) 434-7321 ext. 2234
- Yihua Wu, Finance Manager (519) 434-7321 ext. 2230
- Jessica Kinsman, Payroll & Benefits Specialist (Middlesex County) (519) 434-7321 ext. 2275
- Dawn Pickering, Payroll & Benefits Specialist (Middlesex-London Paramedic Service) (519) 434-7321 ext. 2277
- Corina Coacean, Payroll & Benefits Clerk (519) 434-7321 ext. 2272
- Kimberly Cormier, Payroll & Benefits Clerk (519) 434-7321 ext. 2246
- Marisol Roa, Financial Analyst (Programs / PSAB) (519) 434-7321 ext. 2274
- Michael Leibold, Financial Analyst (519) 434-7321 ext. 2247
- David Curts, Business Financial Analyst (519) 434-7321 ext. 2304
- Donna Murphy, Accounting Clerk (Accounts Payable) (519) 434-7321 ext. 2263
- Katie McKenney, Accounting Clerk (Accounts Receivable) (519) 434-7321 ext. 2279
Human Resources
- Jessica Ngai, Director of Human Resources (519) 434-7321 ext. 2270
- Rebecca Zeldon, Senior Human Resources Advisor (519) 434-7321 ext. 2278
- Tanya Apostolidis, Human Resources Advisor (519) 434-7321 ext. 2276
- Sally DeMeneses, Talent Acquisition Associate (519) 434-7321 ext. 2271
- John Elston, Safety & Standards Officer (519) 434-7321 ext. 2123
Information Technology Services
- IT Service Desk (519) 434-7321 ext. 3000
- Chris Bailey, Director of Information Technology Services (519) 434-7321 ext. 2295
- Greg Marles, Manager of IT Infrastructure & Technology Services (519) 434-7321 ext. 2244
- James Webb, Business Automation Specialist (519) 434-7321 ext. 2286
- Jeremy Carrothers, Business Systems Developer (519) 434-7321 ext. 2298
- Ryan Thomas, Business / Data Analyst II (519) 434-7321 ext. 2296
- Kevin Packwood, Network & Infrastructure Analyst II (519) 434-7321 ext. 2290
- Rob Deitz, Network & Infrastructure Analyst I (519) 434-7321 ext. 2288
- Delyn McDermid, Project Coordinator (519) 434-7321 ext. 2294
- Julie Taylor, IT Coordinator (519) 434-7321 ext. 2287
- Jim Pretty, Service Desk Analyst II (519) 434-7321 ext. 2285
- Jesse Deschaine, Service Desk Analyst I (519) 434-7321 ext. 2311
- Eric Knobel, Service Desk Analyst I (519) 434-7321 ext. 2293
- Jeff Grose, Service Desk Analyst I (519) 434-7321
Legal Services
- David Samuels, Director of Legal Services (519) 434-7321 ext. 2269
- Alex Bondarenko, Senior Legal Counsel (519) 434-7321 ext. 2283
- Safia Hamatto, Municipal Paralegal (519) 434-7321 ext. 2267
Legislative Services
- Marci Ivanic, Legislative Services Manager / County Clerk (519) 434-7321 ext. 2250
- Rebecca Glavin, Deputy Clerk / Legislative Services Coordinator (519) 434-7321 ext. 2259
Middlesex County Connect (Community Transportation)
- Anum Maqsood, Community Transportation Project Manager (519) 434-7321 ext. 2231
Planning & Development
- Durk Vanderwerff, Director of Planning & Development (519) 434-7321 ext. 2262
- Teresa Hill, Planning & Development Coordinator (519) 434-7321 ext. 2251
- Mark Brown, Woodland Conservation Officer & Weed Inspector (519) 434-7321 ext. 2253
- Tim Williams, Manager of Planning (519) 434-7321 ext. 2346
- Dan Fitzgerald, Manager of Planning (519) 434-7321 ext. 2292
- Abby Heddle, Planner II (Special Projects & Policy) (519) 434-7321 ext. 2349
- Marion-Frances Ramos Cabral, Planner (519) 434-7321 ext. 2282
- Erin Besch, Planner (519) 434-7321 ext. 2352
- Alana Kertesz, Planner (519) 434-7321 ext. 2348
- Ashley Sawyer, Planner (519) 434-7321 ext. 2303
- Alyssa Soldo, Planner (519) 434-7321 ext. 2345
- Claire Stavina, GIS Specialist (519) 434-7321 ext. 2358
- Alexandra Colesberry, GIS Specialist (519) 434-7321 ext. 2297
Procurement Services
- Joshua White, Procurement Services Manager (519) 434-7321 ext. 2302
- Stephen Herczeg, Procurement Officer (519) 434-7321 ext. 2305
Roads / Engineering
- Middlesex County Primary Operations Centre (519) 471-2020
- Chris Traini, County Engineer (519) 434-7321 ext. 2264
- Ryan Hillinger, Engineering Supervisor (519) 434-7321 ext. 2233
- Dane Matheson, Senior Technologist (519) 434-7321 ext. 2258
- Robbie Nott, Engineering Technician (519) 434-7321 ext. 2254
- Jared Tweddle, Engineering Technician (519) 434-7321 ext. 2340
- Liz Swan, Administrative Assistant (519) 434-7321 ext. 2229
- Rick Tweddle, Engineering Technician (519) 434-7321 ext. 2232
Social Services
- Joe Winser, Manager of Social Services & Children Services (519) 434-7321 ext. 2260
- Kelly Smith, Program Support Worker (Children's Services) (519) 434-7321 ext. 2289
- Kassandra Marriott, Program Support Worker (Social Services) (519) 434-7321 ext. 2261
- Keena Roulston, Caseworker (519) 434-7321 ext. 2241
- Brittany Brooker, Caseworker (519) 434-7321 ext. 2225
- Michelle Williams, Caseworker (519) 434-7321 ext. 2345
- Cheryl Morrison, Caseworker (519) 434-7321 ext. 2237
- Jennifer Campagna, Caseworker (519) 434-7321 ext. 2242
- Susie Izmirian, Caseworker (Eligibility Verification) (519) 434-7321 ext. 2281
- Veronica Newberry, Case Assistant (519) 434-7321 ext. 2334
- Melissa Praught, Case Assistant (519) 434-7321 ext. 2238
- Josh Smith, Community Navigator (519) 434-7321 ext. 4030
- Danica Flores, Community Navigator (519) 434-7321 ext. 2235
Strategic Initiatives & Innovation
- Paul Shipway, General Manager of Strategic Initiatives & Innovation (519) 434-7321 ext. 2255