In the House

  • Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, and change batteries immediately if needed.  For more information check out our section on smoke alarm maintenance & carbon monoxide detector maintenance.
  • Check your fire extinguishers.  For more information, check our section on fire extinguisher information.
  • Check for overloaded or damaged extension cords, replace where needed.                                             
  • Ensure you have an emergency preparedness kit in case of incidents such as power outages and flooding.
  • Practice your families fire escape plan so everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency
  • Windows should be checked to ensure they open and close properly, in case they are needed as an exit

    House and Tree graphic
  • Properly store household chemicals and never mix cleaning agents
  • Recycle: Get rid of old newspapers, magazines and junk mail. These items tend to pile up and can greatly contribute to the severity and spread of fire.
  • Check and clean filters above stove.
  • Pull refrigerator out and vacuum or dust the coils.
  • Always keep stairs and landings clear for safe evacuation in event of an emergency.

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